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Categories of Membership

There are five categories of membership: Group, Individual, Sponsor, Honourary and Life as follows:-

(a)       Group members are –

(i)         Governments or government departments in the Caribbean or elsewhere, engaged in natural resources management or sustainable livelihoods.

(ii)       Companies (profit or non-profit) established in Trinidad and Tobago or elsewhere and engaged, or with an interest in natural resources management or sustainable livelihoods.

(iii)      Unregistered groups of persons, engaged or with an interest in natural resources management or sustainable livelihoods in Trinidad and Tobago or elsewhere.

(b)       Individual members are persons of any nationality who are in someway engaged or interested in natural resources management or sustainable livelihoods.

(c)       Life membership is available to Individuals based on their character and interest or activities in natural resources management or sustainable livelihoods.

(d)       Sponsors are individuals or groups who support the work of the Trust and make a one-time or periodic resource contribution to the Trust. The Board of Directors may from time to time decide on the minimum quantum of donation that will qualify for Sponsorship.    

(e)       Honourary members are individuals considered by the Board of Directors to be distinguished in natural resources management or sustainable livelihoods, or to have rendered public service in Trinidad and Tobago or elsewhere and such other individuals as the Board of Directors may see fit to admit as honourary members.

Benefits of Membership

Benefits of membership in The Trust For Sustainable Livelihoods will depend on the level of enthusiasm, commitment as well as participation in the activities of the Trust, demonstrated by the membership. There will be opportunities to help influence the design and outcome of policies, projects and programmes, and national, regional and international debates, which impact on the sustainable livelihoods of Caribbean communities.

Members will receive free copies of information published by the Trust, periodic briefs on the work of the Trust, and other information compiled to meet the needs as identified among the membership. Facilitation of access to technical advice and expertise, research materials, documentation, and training will also be a major service provided to members.

Admission of Members

(1)        Individual, Group and Life membership of the Trust shall be available on application to all persons or entities as set out above. There is a one-time registration fee of US$50 (TT$300). The annual fee for Group membership is US$100 (TT$600) and US$50 (TT$300) for Individuals. Life membership has a one-time fee of US$500 (TT$3000) for individuals.

(2)        Applications can be made using our Online Application Service.

(3)        Application forms for membership are also available on request from the Secretariat at #23 Mc Inroy Street, Curepe, Trinidad and Tobago.




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